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Sukh Ki Sarkar
GP Kullu
   01902 - 230006

Basic Electricity and Measurement Lab,Fundamentals of Elect. Engg. Lab

Major Equipments in this lab are :

Sr. No. Instruments
1. Portable Precision Grade Dynamometer type Voltmeters, Ammeters, Wattmeters
2. Single Phase Variac
3. Three Phase Variac
4. DC Regulated Power Supply
5. Kits for conversion of galvanometer into ammeters
6. Battery Charger.
7. Lead Acid, Nickel Cadmium, Lithium Ion Batteries.
8. Energy Meters, Single & Three Phase
9. Multimeters
10. Oscilloscopes
11. Phase Sequence Meters
12. Phase Quality Analyzer
13. Temperature Controlled Soldering Station
14. Kits to study Kirchhoff's Laws, Ohms Law, RLC Circuits series & Parallel Resonance, Rectifiers, Bridges, Diodes etc.