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Sukh Ki Sarkar
GP Kullu
   01902 - 230006

Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Lab

Major Equipments in this lab are :

Sr. No. Instruments
1. Digital Electronics Experiment Trainer
2. Logic Gates Trainer
3. Adder, Subtractor, Flip Flop, Counters, Shift Register Multiplexer, Encoder, Decoder, ADC, DAC, IC Trainers
4. Microprocessor 8085, 8086 Trainer Kit
5. Microcontroller 8051 Trainer Kit
6. Semiconductor & Semiconductor devices Characteristics trainer
7. Converter/Inverter Trainer
8. Triggering Ckt. & dv/dt protection trainer
9. UPS Training System
10. DC motor thyristorised speed control trainer
11. PLC Training System